Ex-mas, A Love/Hate Story" by Kate Brian | Book Review
Let it Snow" by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle | Book Review
Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle is a phenomenal book. I absolutely loved it! Each author contributed their own story and was able to intertwine the narratives to make the book feel flawless. Instead of reading three separate stories, they overlapped in many ways from tone, humor, and characters.
The Wolves of Mercy Falls Book Series | Book Review
Love, Lucas | Book Review
The Best Girl | Book Review
Fangirl | Book Review
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell has quickly become one of my favorite books. Everything about Rowell’s writing was spectacular! Her characterizations, dialogue, setting, secondary characters, and subplots were all phenomenal and created a superb novel. I would give this book more than five stars if I could!
The Infinite Moment of Us | Book Review
Anna and the French Kiss | Series Review
Stephanie Perkins wrote an amazing trilogy. Technically, Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door, and Isla and the Happily Ever After could be stand-alone novels, but they are exceptionally well written and superbly executed by Perkins, reserving the right (in my opinion) to be read in order. If you are like me, you need to read them from start to finish beginning with Anna and the French Kiss.
A Little Something Different | Book Review
A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall is exactly that, something different. What separates this novel from other books on the shelf is the ability to interweave a narrative from fourteen different viewpoints in regards to one love story. The character perspectives include a waitress at a nearby restaurant, a Starbucks’ barista, a squirrel, a bench, the love interests’ roommates and friends, their creative writing professor, bus driver, and two fellow creative writing students.