I am a HUGE fan of David Suchet’s Hercule Poirot. Of course, I had to feature some of my all-time favorite Hercule Poirot quotes that David Suchet flawlessly delivered throughout the television show’s history.
I love creating bookmarks and designs for The Cozy Mystery Book Club. To assist in my creative process, I made holiday-inspired color palettes. I wanted to share the Christmas-themed ones to help y’all with your own holiday ideas.
In honor of 12 Days of Cozies, I wanted to share some previous holiday-inspired Instagram story templates I created. I hope they bring you joy and coziness ❤️
To help my fellow Instagram loving sleuthers, I gathered my most used and referenced cozy mystery hashtags.
After The Quiche of Death premiere on Acorn TV, Agatha Raisin begins the one hour format with Walkers of Dembley. The Cotswold town is a hotbed of jealousy, fashion, romance, and murder!
Let’s talk about the first movie in an underrated Hallmark trilogy based on Kate Carlisle’s novels. Framed for Murder stars Jewel as Shannon Hughes, a handywoman who will stop at nothing to solve the mystery surrounding the death of her Uncle Jesse. Add a crime writer sidekick (with lots of romantic potential), suspects galore, a grieving best friend, constantly fishing father, and clues upon clues, we are guaranteed an interesting mystery.
Hello Sleuthers! I wanted to post something that would make you smile and pay homage to a subgenre we all love. Enjoy these cozy mystery-inspired memes I made 🔎
Hello Lovelies! If you follow me on Twitter, y’all know I love making memes and using GIFs to make readers smile. I thought I would share some additional memes on my website. Enjoy!
Sometimes you just need a little positivity and inspiration. I love sharing coziness and fun via my Instagram stories. Here are some images I’ve made that I wanted to share and offer to you❤️
Happy New Year! For every writer making the resolution to get their words on the page this 2022, here are 50 quotes to inspire and motivate you.
When y’all DM and email me, I take your suggestions to heart and think about how to best answer your requests. Well, I made a decision to try to make your cozy bookish dreams come true.
Sleuthers! I am so excited to share this super special holiday creation with you. Our Sherlock Hamster looks adorable in his Christmas best!
I have been working on something special for a long time. I am thrilled to finally reveal that this project is complete and ready to share!
Enjoy All Sorts these Bookish Gifts! Celebrating Cozy Mysteries With The Cozy Mystery Book Club! Today is Day Eight of the Event and I’m Continuing the Cozy Christmas Celebration with These Fun Extras.
Welcome to Day Six of the Cozy Christmas Extravaganza! I hope these coloring pages, bookmarks, word search, and mazes brighten your day and inspire coziness.
I am so proud and excited to tell y'all that Kobo is offering an incredible opportunity for The Cozy Mystery Book Club readers. I was over the moon thrilled and honored when they asked if I could organize this giveaway. Seriously, I double checked that it was the Kobo who emailed me. One lucky sleuther will win a brand new KoboLibra2 **and** a copy of Alexis Hall's Kobo exclusive, Murder Most Actual.
Would you like a sleuthing bookmark? Instagram story templates? Cozy mystery fun? Be sure to read today’s post.
The Cozy Christmas Extravaganza is here and I created all sorts of extras; bingo boards, bookmarks, and special surprises.
Enjoy extra coziness this Christmas Extravaganza with bookmarks, mazes, coloring pages, Instagram templates, challenges, and so much more!
Are you a morning person? Does your alarm startle you awake when it is still dark outside? You just might be a 5 AM Writer. Enjoy some creative content dedicated to this exclusive club!
Hello Sleuthers! I have been getting asked the same question over and over on Instagram, “What is a good Halloween cozy mystery to read this October?” Well, I went through my read list, bookshelves, GoodReads TBR, and your recommendations and I compiled them all into one blog post. I hope anyone looking for a Halloween-themed cozy mystery read finds a title or two from this list.
Y’all know I am always sharing something over on Instagram. I get asked every so often what programs I use, how I find quotes, and a variety of others. I thought I would help my fellow readers and writers out by sharing some of the images I made.
Welcome to Acorn TV’s Agatha Raisin. The television show adaptation of M.C. Beaton’s best-selling cozy mystery series. If you are a cozy reader, you are probably already familiar with Agatha. But you don’t have to be a cozy reader to enjoy this cozy show.
Valentine’s Day is this month! Eek! This is one of my favorite times of the year because everyone is talking about the romance genre. Here are 8 quotes to prepare you for this loving holiday.
The story of Evil Under the Sun only works within the context of Burgh Island. The island lends itself to the murder plot, red herrings, characterizations, and the eventual grand reveal. While reading the novel, the island could be thought of as another character, even an unwitting accomplice to the murder. The murderers could only enact their plan on Burgh Island.