Book Review Requests & Guidelines — Angela Maria Hart
book review policies

Hello Everyone!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website.

This page is specifically for authors, publishers, and agencies who might be interested in sending me a book to review. I wanted to take a moment to explain my personal book review process.

what genres i read

1. Romance Novels & Cozy Mysteries!

I only accept requests for Romance Genre reads and Cozy Mystery novels. That’s it.

I would be interested in a Science-Fiction Romance novel, but not a purely Science Fiction novel.

Fantasy Romance ✔️

Fantasy Novel X 

Suspense Romance ✔️

Suspense Novel X

I won’t accept requests for horror, inspirational, encyclical, memoir, biography, play, satire, comic books, fan fiction, experimental fiction, or nonfiction. That is not to say that I won’t read them from time to time (if someone I know recommends them or they have caught my attention for another reason), but I am not your book reviewer for these genres. If you write one of these genres, I wish you the best.

I have spent years as a student and academic. When I read for pleasure, I want romances and cozies.

When I read

2. I cannot guarantee a read date.

If you message me and I accept your request, I will add your novel to my library and running TBR list. However, my to-do list is never ending. I have responsibilities and things to do outside of the bookish world. Sometimes this impacts my reading. I will do my absolute best to read your novel, but I cannot give you an exact date/time of when that will occur.

For example, I was on a New York Times best-selling romance author’s preferred reader list. I adore her and her books. However, her personal assistance is very strict about enforcing a two week read and review policy. I can’t commit to reading, writing, and posting a review within a fourteen day window. This system works for her. She’s very successful with it. Personally, as a reader, I couldn’t commit to this turnaround time. With great sadness, I had to ask to be removed from the group. Now, I buy her books as they are released rather than receive an ARC.

how i read

3. Physical, eBooks, or Both?

This is where I get a little particular (and potentially quirky). I tend to read eBooks the most (roughly 85% of my current reads are electronic). It is very easy to download novels to my iPad then take out whichever book I want, wherever I am. With eBooks, I can send myself quotes (which makes reviewing easier), keep track of my reading progress, and can easily choose books based on my mood. However, I do not feature electronic books on my bookstagram. I have tried to take pictures of eBooks. I truly have. But I prefer hard copies for photographing. With eBooks, you are more likely to get a review, but less likely to get physical post.

If you send me a physical copy, I can feature the physical novel in my Instagram highlights (as a part of my ongoing Book Mail segment), incorporate it into my library (so it will be present for future photos and videos), and potentially integrated into additional bookstagram photos. However, it is more difficult to ensure the book’s read date.

This physical and ebook summary is about transparency. I want authors to understand my process.

You can choose which medium to send me. If you would like to, you can send me both.

Physical Books Can Be Mailed To:

Angela Maria Hart
P.O. Box 3479
Peabody, MA 01961

eBooks Can Be Messaged To:

My Reading Philosophy

4. My Personal Reading Philosophy

If I read a book and do not like it, I won’t review it. I would rather take that time and put it towards reading a book I do enjoy. I try to be as positive as possible and that extends to my reviewing process. On one hand, you may like this. If I don’t enjoy your book (less than three stars), there won’t be a negative review. On the other hand, there won’t be a review of your book…

reading life

I highly recommend looking at my GoodReads page ( , Instagram (@writerahart and @cozymysteryclub), or YouTube channel (Books Are My Hart) to get a sense of what I enjoy reading.

There is also an entire page right here on my website that features my favorite reads and go-to authors:

To give you a brief summary, my favorite romance novels include Archer’s Voice by Mia Sheridan, Transcendence by Shay Savage, The Outlaw and the Lady by Lorraine Heath, Born in Sin by Kinley MacGregor, and The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata.

My favorite cozy mysteries include Elementary She Read by Vicki Delany, Brownies & Broomsticks by Bailey Cates, and It Takes a Witch by Heather Blake.

Some of my go-to authors include Lorraine Heath, Shay Savage, Ruth Ann Nordin, Meg Cabot, Jill Shalvis, Beverly Jenkins, Xio Axelrod, Ruby Dixon, T.S. Joyce, Cora Carmack, Joanne Fluke, Amanda Flower, and Kate Carlisle.

I tend not to gravitate towards angsty romances (ex: afraid to commit, bait and switch, imaginary love triangle, and actual love triangle). If your romance novel includes cheating, other women or other man love scenes (which tends to occur in playboy and/or bad boy stories), or abuse (ex: bully romances), please don’t send me a request.

If you have read this post and would still like to send me a book review or book-related request, please feel free to contact me.

All the Best!