Agatha Raisin | Walkers of Dembley
The second episode of Agatha Raisin, Walkers of Dembley, opens on an English countryside with cheery music playing. As a show, Agatha Raisin does not hold back with the cozy mystery vibes. The bright setting and happy tune immediately draws you in. Personally, if I can’t live in the fictional village of Carlsey, I’m thankful I can visit via the show.
Cut to Agatha Raisin picking up a package from the local post office and chatting on the phone. Before diving into the episode/mystery, I need to make note of something. As a character, Agatha deserves far more credit for her fashion sense. I love seeing what she wears in each episode. Whoever selects the costumes for the program does a fantastic job. Plus, Ashley Jensen does rock each one.
For some reason, I can’t entirely explain, I get Elle Woods vibes from time to time. Agatha always dresses for the occasion and matches her purse to her shoes. Agatha’s clothing seems to reflect her personality and be a part of her general aura.
In order to enhance her village life, Agatha (temporarily) takes up “rambling” (aka hiking for us Americans who may be unfamiliar with the term). Rather than think of rambling as a form of exercise, Agatha joins the local group in an attempt to impress the designated tour guide, James. At the beginning of the episode, Gemma asks Agatha, “Who are you trying to impress?” cut to James walking into the scene. Love that!
However, the relationship/crush isn’t a guarantee. Agatha’s romantic rival, Mary, is also hiking with the group and puts Agatha down. She even did the classic misremembering the other person’s name calling Agatha, Tabatha. To add insult to injury, Mary referred to herself and James as a “we” in front of the entire group. Mary couldn’t help but gloat that she and James were attending Agatha’s event, movie night, as a date. (My poor James and Agatha fangirling heart, this is not your episode.)
On a side note, Agatha must be naturally thin because exercise doesn’t come easily to her. She is out of breath, struggling to keep up with the group. Personally, I love it when characters are relatable and not perfect at everything they attempt. If Agatha was great at hiking her first time out, that wouldn’t be realistic. As mystery lovers, we need our coincidences and perfect timing to make sense of clues. Some elements of the plot and characterizations need to be grounded. Especially since…Agatha and her friends happen to be walking near a standoff between Sir Charles Fraith and another rambling group. (perfect timing!)
Rambling must be a very popular past time in the countryside. One woman, whose name we don’t know yet, stands at the front of the second rambling group arguing with Charles. They (namely the redheaded woman, Jessica) wants to walk through a path that is on Fraith’s land, but one of Charlie’s employees won’t let them; he has a gun on the group and everything. If I were them, I would have rambled away before the conversation was more than a single sentence. Jessica mentions corresponding with Charlie numerous times trying to get access to the pathway.
Charlie Fraith won’t let them walk the path (which is on his land and covered by crops), but this woman refuses to listen. IMMEDIATELY, you know this woman is going to be the murder victim. She is causing far too much drama. That is the way of cozy mysteries. If someone has more attitude than height, they are going down.
Another walker in the group, Deborah, speaks up and asks if they could walk around the edge of the path in question. Mr. Charlie Fraith is totally fine with this suggestion (since it does seem logical). The fact that an attractive woman asked him might have helped a little too. Charlie takes an immediate interest in her and offers his introduction to Deborah, whom he nicknames Debs. Clearly a smitten kitten, viewers can read between the lines.
After her failed hike, Agatha arrives home to see her cottage door open. Entering her home like she’s expecting to find a killer in her house, Agatha finds a naked man sitting cross legged on her rug. The man doesn’t say anything. She asks him a question and looks around confused. Her former personal assistant and current best friend, Roy, apparently let himself into her cottage so he could have some “special time” with his new naked friend.
Even though Roy’s visit came as a surprise, I think Agatha was happy to see him. Roy always brightens her mood (and whatever scene he is in). Roy makes the perfect plus one to any event and accompanies Agatha to the movie night she planned for Charles Fraith. Personally, I’m always happy to see Agatha with Roy. This sleuthing duo is perfection. On a side note, as always, her outfit for the evening is what some may refer to as #goals. She always looks so put together and colorful.
In spite of the tension, the rambling group Charles Fraith is at odds with attends the event. The movie night goes well and the viewing audience gets to know the characters a little more; which characters are romantically involved with one another, who wants to be involved with whom, and, of course, who doesn’t get along. The writers did a really nice job of moving the character introductions along and capturing the setting.
One of the ways in which Agatha Raisin avoids becoming dark is the use of comedy. Nearly every scene leaves you smiling. The show might be grounded in murder mysteries, but there is a lot of comedy too. For instance, Roy’s naked yoga teacher date decides to do some flexible poses while waiting for the film to begin. I love the way Charles sort of pauses as he walks through the crowd, but turns right back around as if that was a totally normal thing to see.
Or…maybe he wanted to get inside the house to flirt more with Deborah.
Later in the episode, Khusan (aka Roy’s latest love interest), is out in front of Agatha’s cottage doing his naked yoga. The citizens of Carsley seem more intrigued than upset at the sight (also making viewers laugh). Khusan is a constant source of entertainment throughout the episode. For those who are about to ask or wonder, I will let you know that we don’t see Khusan after Walkers of Dembley. This is his one and only Agatha Raisin appearance. Maybe he will reappear in a future season, but, as of this moment, no such luck.
Even though Agatha didn’t get her man, *cough, cough* James, her movie night is a success.
The day after the movie event, Jessica (the argumentative woman from earlier) is out rambling by herself and is hit in the back of the head with a shovel by an unknown assailant. The body drops roughly ten minutes into the episode, not making you wait too long to get into the mystery. Bring on the drama!
Charles’s latest love interest, Deb, is friends with/knows Sarah (aka the vicar’s wife viewers may remember from The Quiche of Death). Sarah recommends that Deb speak with Agatha. After all, Agatha solved the case of the poisoned quiche, so she can solve this mystery too! Upon further reflection, it is probably a good thing that Deb brings this mystery to Agatha’s attention because DCI Wilkes is one of the dumbest police offers to ever grace the television or streaming device. He is always saying something wrong and investigating something stupid. Bill really should be running the local law enforcement. Seriously, how did Wilkes ever get promoted?
One of my favorite things about Agatha’s detective skills is her ability to use household objects in her investigation. When creating a layout of potential suspects, Agatha takes items from around her kitchen:
✧ Jessica (The Victim): Stuffed Frog (which I infer to be a cat toy)
✧ Charlie: Pepper Grinder
✧ Gustav (Charles’s Butler/Servant): Spice Grinder
✧ Jessica’s Rambling Mates, Jeff (the boyfriend) as well as Christy and Alice: A Three Headed Figurine
✧ Joe (The Man Who Found the Body): Hodge/Agatha’s Cat
Can we take a moment to appreciate that they drew a tiny body on the map to show where Jessica was found? I had to include this screenshot.
Agatha quickly learns that the victim, Jessica, was always protesting something and made a lot of enemies over the years. Translation: there will be a large pool of suspects. Time to get cozy and investigate!
While Sarah recommended Agatha to Deb, Charles Fraith sought the council of his longtime friend, James. James who just so happens to be Agatha’s next-door neighbor and crush. Agatha and James decide to pair up and look into the murder together. Of course Agatha is happy about this due to her feelings for James. The pair make their way to Dembley and “run into” the other rambling group members. Since their leader just died, they are less than welcoming to Agatha and James. After the ramblers go their separate ways, Agatha and James continue to investigate, attempting to speak with the rambling members one-on-one. Agatha learns that the female couple in the group was on the rocks due to Jessica using her “sexuality as a weapon,” seducing one of the life partners. The list of suspects continues to grow.
Agatha meets up with James and Bill to exchange notes in one of the most random meet-up spots ever. They gather inside a child’s play house, so that they could have a little privacy. Wilkes, being Wilkes, tries to join them in the tiny house (butt first), but is unable to get inside. Since Wilkes and Agatha don’t get along, the meeting abruptly ends. This prompts Agatha to go exploring Dembley on her own. As Agatha walks down the street, she spots Deborah inside a clothing boutique.
The viewer quickly realizes that Deborah is cracker jacks. She is preparing for Fraith to propose to her. To break this down, Day One: Deborah meets this man for the first time. Day Two: She runs into him at an event. Day Three: Their first date and a proposal?!?! What? Agatha is rightly confused.
Bill, being the precious human being that he is, goes to Agatha’s cottage to look in on her cat, Hodge. He was on the ground going “meow” trying to find the cat. Gema, Agatha’s friend and house cleaner, is already there taking care of the cute little fur baby. Cozy companions bringing characters together. Upon entering the house, Bill gets to see Agatha’s latest murder board.
Agatha attempts to take advantage of her time with James by cooking a romantic dinner. However, James made plans with Mary. Drama! Agatha storms over to the pub and publicly confronts James. He is livid until Charlie calls him on the phone. Apparently, the ramblers had their doubts about Agatha and James as a couple until she yelled at him in a way that only a wife could. James feels terribly thinking it was all an act and runs after Agatha…just in time to save her from a speeding car.
James recognizes the car as one of Charlie’s vehicles. Deborah and Charlie both claim to have been at his house all night. Much to Deborah’s disappointment, he didn’t propose. Shocking to no one except her. The next suspect is Gustov, Charlie’s loyal butler/servant. He couldn’t have been the one driving the car, since his alibi was rock solid. He was visiting Deborah’s hometown and met with her parents to learn about her intentions (in other words, if she was a gold digger). That left the question of who was driving the car? Agatha realizes that Deborah wasn’t on her original suspect list since she brought the case to her attention. Except, Deborah didn’t want Agatha to solve the case, merely get suspicion off of Charlie.
Not knowing Deborah is a murderer who expects him to propose, he calls their relationship “meaningless fun.” Cue the crazy. Deborah picks up the closest decorative piece and hits Charlie on the head with it. Running out of his house, Agatha and James are running towards her (to warn Charlie that his latest lady love has psycho tendencies). Agatha does the big reveal and Deborah confesses to killing Jessica. The women had a night together and Jessica threatened to tell Charlie about Deborah’s bisexuality. Believing that this would ruin her chances, Deborah decided to kill Jessica.
DAY ONE: Deborah meets Charlie while out walking.
Later that evening, Deborah attends the movie event at Charlie’s estate. They flirt inside his house, but he goes back outside to introduce the film and be with the guests.
DAY TWO: Deborah kills Jessica.
Charlie becomes a person of interest in the murder and the police bring him in for questioning.
That afternoon, Deborah asks Agatha to investigate Jessica’s death.
DAY THREE: Deborah runs into Agatha while shopping for a new dress and tells her that she believes Charlie will propose that evening.
DAY FOUR: Charlie breaks up with Deborah and then she tries to kill him.
The episode ends with James hugging Mary. Poor Agatha has to watch the interaction. He lives right next door, so she can’t really avoid him. Even though her love life isn’t going as planned, she has friends. Agatha joins Gemma on the couch (each with their own bowls of popcorn) to watch Roy’s yoga teacher do naked yoga on TV.
I love the friendships in Agatha Raisin. Roy helps Agatha look into Jessica’s boyfriend. He messages her the information he found (while he’s getting a massage). Plus, he is always her go-to support system. When Agatha needs someone to rely on, she calls Roy.
Next Up…Season One, Episode Three: Hell’s Bells.
🔎 Agatha calls Gemma on the phone, “There has been a murder. (Pause for Gemma to say something off camera via the phone). No, I haven’t bumped off Mary.”
🔎 Charlie shouted, “Of course I was seen running, I was out jogging,” to Wilkes.
🔎 James joins Agatha and Bill inside of a child’s play house, “This is cozy.”
🔎 Agatha said, “This place -- It’s a hotbed of seething sexuality. Clearly, I’m living in the wrong village.”
As always, I want Agatha’s cottage.