My Original Book Tag: "Frasier" — Angela Maria Hart

My Original Book Tag: "Frasier"

Welcome to my BookTube channel, "Books Are My Hart." I created my own book tag pertaining to "Frasier," one of my favorite television shows. I hope you enjoy the video and please feel free to create your own post using my questions!

The "Frasier" Book Tag

1. At its core, “Frasier” is about a father and son. Who is your favorite father and son pair? 
2. Frasier is always boasting about his degrees from Harvard and Oxford. What is your favorite fictional school? 
3. Niles and Frasier are a packaged deal. Who is your favorite literary brother?
4. Daphne thinks she is psychic. Name a quirky character you couldn’t help but like.
5. Being set in Seattle is a large element of the show. What is your favorite bookish town or city? 
6. Roz was Frasier’s producer before she was his friend. Name a character who evolved from their original role in a series. 
7. Throughout most of the series, Niles had a crush on Daphne from afar. Name an ongoing literary crush you were rooting for. 
8. In honor of Frasier’s father, Martin, who is your favorite literary hero?
9. Eddie! Name your favorite pet.
10. Frasier always referenced classic novels, plays, and operas. What is your favorite classic novel? 
11. The show is a comedy of errors, name a simple story you loved. 
12. Frasier is a radio psychiatrist surrounded by unique on-air personalities. Name minor characters who stood out to you. 

Bonus Questions!
* Name a successful spin off or fanfiction inspired book.
* A pretentious, but lovable character. 
* Name a character who always has a glass of wine in their hand.
* The characters always meet and go to Café Nervosa. Where do your favorite characters gather?