12 Days of Cozies & Mugs — Angela Maria Hart

12 Days of Cozies & Mugs


Welcome to my cozy corner of the Internet. In honor of the 12 Days of Cozies that will run December 1st to December 12th, here are 12 cozy mystery mugs I designed for the special event. Enjoy!

Day One

Day Ten

Check Me Out!

Day Twelve


The 12 Days of Cozies will have daily giveaways full of stocking stuffers, daily reading sprints, and more. Be sure to visit The Cozy Mystery Book Club Twitter for additional information and coziness,

Also, I just wanted to let y’all know, I am not turning this into a business. I am not marking up prices or making any money. I simply made my private designs public so that if you see something you like, you can buy it!