book blog — Angela Maria Hart — Angela Maria Hart

book blog

How I BookTube (Part One): Filming My Videos

How I BookTube (Part One): Filming My Videos

One of my first blog posts on my website was about how I BookTube. But that was almost two years ago now. Wow. That seems like a long time ago. Things change. Plus, I wanted to expand upon what I originally wrote. Welcome to my behind-the-scenes BookTube tell all.

How I Bookstagram

How I Bookstagram

Welcome to my bookstagram world. Books + Instagram = a world of bookish fun.

A Little Less Lonely Book Tag

A Little Less Lonely Book Tag

Six questions to elaborate on my love of reading. A character I identified with? That’s an easy and probably obvious one. A book that surprised me? I needed to think about that. There is so much to discuss!

Reader Confessions Book Tag

Reader Confessions Book Tag

I am a lifelong reader. My tagline is “books are my life” for a reason. It is time to get real and make some bookish confessions!

The Office Book Tag

The Office Book Tag

Today, I wanted to answer "The Office" book tag questions. Having watched the show on Netflix more times than I know (I can practically quote episodes at this point), I needed to write this blog post.

The Jane Austen Book Tag

The Jane Austen Book Tag

In case you don’t know by now, I LOVE Jane Austen. I think she is one of the finest writers to ever exist; all of her novels are pure magic as far as I am concerned. When I found out there was a Jane Austen book tag, I needed to answer these questions.