book box — Angela Maria Hart — Angela Maria Hart

book box

Bubbles and Books Unboxing

Bubbles and Books Unboxing

If you know me, you know I LOVE my romances. I read romances, I write romances, and I'm studying the romance genre for my dissertation. When Bubbles and Books asked if I would do an unboxing for them, I immediately said, "YES!" What romance lover wouldn't want a romance genre book box?

My Romance Club Erotica Box | Unboxing

My Romance Club Erotica Box | Unboxing

A romance book box?!? YES! Eek! The my romance club sent me an additional box after my last unboxing video. This time it is their erotica box. Be sure to let me know what you think about the box down in the comment section.

March 2017 OwlCrate and Uppercase Unboxing!!!

March 2017 OwlCrate and Uppercase Unboxing!!!

Happy Weekend Readers! I received *two* book boxes today and I am thrilled to share them with you. I now have the March 2017 boxes for Uppercase and OwlCrate!!!
*YAY* bookish love!