The Romantic Holiday is Coming!
Author Spotlight | Historical Romance Writer Tessa Dare
Tessa Dare is one of the best historical romance writers EVER. If you have not picked up one of her books, what are you doing? Place an order on Amazon. Check one of her books out from your local library. Do something! It is time to get in on the Tessa Dare romance obsession. I dedicated the month of December to her and her novels. I created the unique hashtag #TessaDareDecember. Every day I posted a quote (or two!) I created in honor of her stories.
7 Sonali Dev Quotes
Midnight Liaisons | Series Review
If you know me, you know I LOVE my paranormal romances. There is always an added suspense of pack dynamics, can they control their shifts, and so much more. I adore shifters. I always have. One of my absolute favorite series over the last year has been the Midnight Liaisons series by Jessica Sims. Technically, it is a five-book series, but there are a number of novellas that are set in the same world. I have read all of them (novellas included). If Sims put the title Midnight Liaisons on something, I read it. Plain and simple. With that being said, I have my top three picks from her series.
Tessa Dare Quotes | Interview
16 Nora Roberts Quotes
10 Julia Quinn Quote Because She's Julia Quinn!!!
February Romance Shout Outs
Throughout the month of February, each and every day I posted a picture on my Instagram account shouting out a different romance genre author. Valentine’s Day tends to attract and bring more attention to the romance genre, so I wanted to turn the day’s activities into a month long event. I recommend each and every author I mentioned wholeheartedly.