50 Quotes by Writers for Writers
50 Quotes by Writers for Writers
8 Writing Memes
25 Quotes on Writing
23 Quotes for Writers
17 writing quotes
I hope you are feeling creative. Your characters are speaking to you. Your fictional world is drawing its’ own map. Most of all, I hope that your stories are solidifying and those well-thought out words are about to be transcribed to the page. You can and will write your novel. You’ve totally got this. To help keep you motivated and inspired, I created 17 additional images featuring some of my favorite quotes on writing.
20 Quotes on Writing
30 Quotes on Writing
WordsOnThePageAThon Swag
Hello Writers! Y’all know I love mugs. I might have an ever expanding library, but I also have a never ending mug collection. My apartment is going to be overtaken very soon. I can’t help myself. Some people asked about the WordsOnThePageAThon mugs I posted over on my Twitter and Instagram. Well, here they are. Enjoy!