author — Angela Maria Hart — Angela Maria Hart


30 Quotes on Writing

30 Quotes on Writing

I hope you are having an amazing day. You are getting your words on the page and your stories are coming along wonderfully. To keep you on track, here are some quotes on writing by writers.

25 Meg Cabot Quotes

I have told you all many (many) times that Meg Cabot is a favorite of mine. I needed post another blog featuring her and her words. Enjoy!

10 Sarah MacLean Quotes for You!

Sarah MacLean writes young adult and romance novels. She debuted on The New Times Bestseller List with Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake. Talk about impressive. My personal favorite novel from her is A Rogue by Any Other Name. To honor this talented woman, whom I admire so much, here are ten quotes from Sarah MacLean.

18 Janet Evanovich Quotes for the Win

Janet Evanovich is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, whom I completely adore. Have you read her Stephanie Plum series? If not, you really should. Her books are hysterical!! Here are ten Evanovich quotes for you to enjoy!

6 Quotes for Writers

6 Quotes for Writers

6 Inspirational Quotes about Writing to Get You Working On Your Own Story!

An Eternal Fan Letter to Meg Cabot

An Eternal Fan Letter to Meg Cabot

Meg Cabot is a prolific author publishing more than fifty novels in total ranging from middle grade to young adult to romance to fiction; her talent is boundless. I have been reading Meg Cabot novels ever since I was ten or eleven years old. I find her writing style humorous and intriguing. I have become emotionally invested in so many of her characters.