writeathon — Angela Maria Hart — Angela Maria Hart


Congratulations Writers!!!

Congratulations Writers!!!

Congratulations to everyone who got their words on the page.!! WordsOnThePageAThon, the 24 hour writing challenge I created, came and went this past April 7th! I am so proud of everyone who wrote during the writeathon.

What I Learned Writing *ALL* Day

What I Learned Writing *ALL* Day

Writing all day is certainly a challenge. Welcome to WordOnThePageAThon! 24 hours of writing is a lot...and an educational experience.

How WordsOnThePageAThon Went For Me

How WordsOnThePageAThon Went For Me

I just posted my vlog experience of WordsOnThePageAThon. For those of you who aren't familiar with this challenge, I tasked myself with writing for 24 hours and invited other writers to join me in this writeathon. 



Hello Writers! I hope you are working diligently on your creative pieces. I’m sure they are coming along great. Today, I am talking about a writing challenge I am giving myself.