Angela Maria Hart — Angela Maria Hart

romance genre

February Romance Shout Outs

Throughout the month of February, each and every day I posted a picture on my Instagram account shouting out a different romance genre author. Valentine’s Day tends to attract and bring more attention to the romance genre, so I wanted to turn the day’s activities into a month long event. I recommend each and every author I mentioned wholeheartedly.

5 Romantic Quotes

5 Romantic Quotes

If you know me, you know I LOVE my romances. I not only read and write romance, but I study it too (a big hello to my fellow PhD candidates out there). I wanted to share five of my favorite romance-related quotes with you today.

Bubbles and Books Unboxing

Bubbles and Books Unboxing

If you know me, you know I LOVE my romances. I read romances, I write romances, and I'm studying the romance genre for my dissertation. When Bubbles and Books asked if I would do an unboxing for them, I immediately said, "YES!" What romance lover wouldn't want a romance genre book box?

The Accidental Mail Order Bride | Book Review

The Accidental Mail Order Bride | Book Review

Do you enjoy the mail-order bride trope? Do you want a mail-order bride trope with several twists? Then I have a read for you!

Win Some, Lose Some | Book Review

Win Some, Lose Some | Book Review

I am a huge fan of first love stories and this one was a win ;) I think Shay Savage captured the autism experience; panic attacks, needing order/routines, and so forth. The relationship between the two characters (Mayra and Matthew) is #relationshipgoals. They were perfect together. I LOVED how patient Mayra was with Matthew. After dealing with loss and trauma, his autism took over his life. Mayra gave him space when he needed it and knew how to help him when the occasion(s) arose. Their dynamic was *amazing*. Talk about soulmates.